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24 September 2014

Knowing a person is not enough

This is my first post in a series of my personal posts on this blog, giving the blog a more personal side of my life.
This blog has always been a technical one, having technical articles, tutorials etc. From Today, I will share my personal life, my beliefs, thoughts to the world on this medium.

So you think you know a person and you can trust him?
I always felt that you can trust a person if you looked into his/her eyes, dig deeper and get that sense of comfort, understanding, familiarity and trust. But I was wrong. No matter how well you study a person, try to understand his background, his personality inside out, you still don't really understand him, and cannot trust him.
Speaking of trust, your closest friend, colleague can decide to trust you or ignore you completely based on his requirements. Of course that is his decision and he has no obligation when it comes to maintaining the relation. Most of the not-so-real relations are formed on requirements. You make friends based on requirements, and what happens when any one of you or both of you do not need the other? You ignore them?

A real friend, a real relation is no where close to that. A real friend (as they say in movies) would die for you. He would give anything he has for you. But again, finding such a person, a real friend is often a daunting task. You have to take risks and reveal all your secrets to your to-be real friend.

Speaking of me, I've recently had a lot of requirement-based relations. People used me for their benefits, they forgot me when their needs were over. When I talked to some of my friends about this, they suggested that this is how the world works with a kind "Welcome to the World" statement. I refused to accept that, the world is not so bad (I told to myself), I still have some hope left in humanity. It's not that I don't have any real-friends, but they are hard to come by.
I felt extreme negativity, the feeling of someone using you for their needs and benefits is (believe me), extremely saddening. So much so that the person even refuses to recognize me when he/she does not have any needs to fulfill, forget about a greeting.

I need to learn to say no! No to people I know, No to my friends (so-called) in need.
No to sharing candy. :(

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